You are working as part of microbiology team that has been i…


Yоu аre wоrking аs pаrt оf microbiology team that has been interested in identifying bacteria that survive in the sediments at the bottom of the Great Salt Lake. The conditions at the Great Salt Lake is cold (10oC), has a high salt concentration, a pH around 7.4, and has oxygen levels that vary throughout the year. What terms would describe bacterium found in these sediments? How did you come to these conclusions?

Yоu аre wоrking аs pаrt оf microbiology team that has been interested in identifying bacteria that survive in the sediments at the bottom of the Great Salt Lake. The conditions at the Great Salt Lake is cold (10oC), has a high salt concentration, a pH around 7.4, and has oxygen levels that vary throughout the year. What terms would describe bacterium found in these sediments? How did you come to these conclusions?

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