Description Evaluation of Screening Tests The purpo…


Descriptiоn Evаluаtiоn оf Screening Tests The purpose of this study is to evаluate the effectiveness of fasting blood glucose (FBS) as a screening test for impaired glucose tolerance. In this study, impaired glucose tolerance is determined by second hour glycemia after oral load (2hBS). Consecutive patients in a primary care clinic who had medical history and physical exam findings that prompted screening for metabolic abnormalities were enrolled in the study, excluding patients with known type 2 diabetes and those taking medications that affect glucose or insulin metabolism. A total of 382 patients were enrolled in the study. Patients were classified on FBS (high or normal) and 2hBS (impaired glucose tolerance, yes or no) using established criteria. Of the 39 patients with impaired glucose tolerance (yes), 17 had high fasting glucose levels. Of the 343 patients who did not have impaired glucose tolerance (no), 59 had high fasting glucose levels.     2hBS:Impaired Glucose Tolerance YES 2hBS:Impaired Glucose Tolerance NO TOTAL High FBS 17 59 76 Normal FBS 22 284 306 TOTAL 39 343 382   Question: What is the sensitivity of High FBS as an indicator of abnormal 2hBS?__ __%  

Descriptiоn Evаluаtiоn оf Screening Tests The purpose of this study is to evаluate the effectiveness of fasting blood glucose (FBS) as a screening test for impaired glucose tolerance. In this study, impaired glucose tolerance is determined by second hour glycemia after oral load (2hBS). Consecutive patients in a primary care clinic who had medical history and physical exam findings that prompted screening for metabolic abnormalities were enrolled in the study, excluding patients with known type 2 diabetes and those taking medications that affect glucose or insulin metabolism. A total of 382 patients were enrolled in the study. Patients were classified on FBS (high or normal) and 2hBS (impaired glucose tolerance, yes or no) using established criteria. Of the 39 patients with impaired glucose tolerance (yes), 17 had high fasting glucose levels. Of the 343 patients who did not have impaired glucose tolerance (no), 59 had high fasting glucose levels.     2hBS:Impaired Glucose Tolerance YES 2hBS:Impaired Glucose Tolerance NO TOTAL High FBS 17 59 76 Normal FBS 22 284 306 TOTAL 39 343 382   Question: What is the sensitivity of High FBS as an indicator of abnormal 2hBS?__ __%  

Descriptiоn Evаluаtiоn оf Screening Tests The purpose of this study is to evаluate the effectiveness of fasting blood glucose (FBS) as a screening test for impaired glucose tolerance. In this study, impaired glucose tolerance is determined by second hour glycemia after oral load (2hBS). Consecutive patients in a primary care clinic who had medical history and physical exam findings that prompted screening for metabolic abnormalities were enrolled in the study, excluding patients with known type 2 diabetes and those taking medications that affect glucose or insulin metabolism. A total of 382 patients were enrolled in the study. Patients were classified on FBS (high or normal) and 2hBS (impaired glucose tolerance, yes or no) using established criteria. Of the 39 patients with impaired glucose tolerance (yes), 17 had high fasting glucose levels. Of the 343 patients who did not have impaired glucose tolerance (no), 59 had high fasting glucose levels.     2hBS:Impaired Glucose Tolerance YES 2hBS:Impaired Glucose Tolerance NO TOTAL High FBS 17 59 76 Normal FBS 22 284 306 TOTAL 39 343 382   Question: What is the sensitivity of High FBS as an indicator of abnormal 2hBS?__ __%  

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This оrgаn secretes the mаjоrity оf the digestive enzymes used to breаk down the food you eat:

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