1. Download the Word document: Control your temper    …


1. Dоwnlоаd the Wоrd document: Control your temper     Click on the button below.     Open the document аnd mаke the following changes.           1.1) [Page border] Make the following changes to the document: Place a page border around the whole document (click on Design, page border, and click on Art: ladybugs) Use border art: ladybugs (If you do not have this border art feature, choose any border).  (1) 1.2) [Font] Make changes to the font of the document.  Change the font style of the HEADING: 'Control your temper' to Arial. (1) 1.3) [Font] Make changes to the font of the document.  Change the font size of the HEADING: 'Control your temper' to 14. (1)  1.4) [Font] Make changes to the font of the document.  Change the HEADING: 'Control your temper' to BOLD.   (1) 1.5) [Font] Make changes to the font of the document.  Change the font style of the BODY of the story 'Control your temper' to Times New Roman.  (1) 1.6) [Font] Make changes to the font of the document.  Change the font size of the BODY of the story 'Control your temper' to 12.  (1) 1.7) [Highlight text] Make the following changes.  Find the words 'hammered' and highlight all of them 'yellow'.  (1) 1.8) [Text alignment] Make the following changes to the document: Change the alignment of the BODY of the story to JUSTIFY (distribute your text evenly) (1) 1.9) [Insert an icon] Make the following changes to the document: Insert any icon from the Insert tab. You may place the icon anywhere on the document.  (1) 1.10) [Line and Paragraph spacing] Make the following changes to the document: Change the line and paragraph spacing of the BODY of the story to 1,5. (1) 1.11) [Page numbers] Make the following changes to the document: 1.11) Add page numbers to the document; choose the bottom of the page, and plain number 3 (bottom right) (1) 1.12) [Insert shapes] Make the following changes to the document: Click on Insert, choose shapes; basic shapes: Smiley faces.  1.12) Make sure to place the Smiley face on the right-hand side of the HEADING: ‘Control your temper’.    (1)     (12) 

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